Organizing your gym bag

Organizing your gym bag

While having a great workout in the gym there is no greater motivation killer than reaching down into your gym bag and discovering that you forgot to pack something vitally important like a jump rope, water bottle, or a fresh towel. This has happened to me quite a few times. The best way to protect yourself from a situation like this is through proper preparation and organizational practices.

How to Clean and organize your Gym Bag

What is the best way to organize a gym bag? There are many ways to organize your gym bag, however, the best way is to have an inventory checklist ready to go. Making a checklist may seem like a chore at first, but using it only takes a few extra minutes, and once you’ve formed a habit your gym game will always be up to par!

How to Clean your Lululemon Gym Bag

Setting up and creating an inventory checklist may take up some time initially. However, once it’s done you can keep it in a safe place within your gym bag and conveniently reuse it as often as needed. The key is knowing exactly what to pack for and preparing in advance, here are some good examples that will give you a good outline of what to plan for.

Setting up the checklist

Your gym membership card

I was running late and only had a few minutes to get to the gym, so I quickly grabbed my stuff, shoved it into my gym bag and headed out the door. I was psyched for an epic workout session, my head was in the zone and I felt more focused than ever before. As I arrived at the gym I reached into my bag and with dismay suddenly realized something very important was missing. One of the first things that should go onto your checklist is your gym membership card! 

What an inconvenient situation to find yourself in, and the sad part is that if I was more organized I could have easily avoided this uncomfortable situation. Without my gym membership card, I had a really tough time getting through the reception. Aside from this, precious workout time was wasted as I now had to make two trips. It’s always a good idea to keep the gym membership card stored in a gym bag pocket.

Your workout clothes

It is very important to pack the right workout clothes into your gym bag. Forgetting something as simple as a pair of socks or gym shoes can really ruin a workout session and destroy your motivation. Some of the items that should go onto your inventory checklist include:● A comfortable workout top or shirt● A good pair of workout shorts, or sweatpants● A fresh pair of quality gym socks● A good clean pair of underwear.● Good quality gym shoes

All of the items listed above are very important for a successful workout session. Always make sure that your gym clothes are clean and fresh. Wearing a sweat-stained shirt from two weeks ago isn’t very hygienic or good for your health.

A clean gym towel

One of the most important things that should go onto your checklist is a clean gym towel. In some gyms, it’s even mandatory to bring a towel, and for good reason. When exercising and using the workout equipment one tends to sweat a lot. Using a gym towel to wipe away any moisture from the equipment after using it is considerate and good etiquette. A good gym towel can help you to feel refreshed during workout sessions and also has many other useful applications. Try and get a towel that is soft and made from 100% cotton.

A water bottle

I just had an amazing workout in spinning class and I am feeling a bit parched. A drink of cool water would be very revitalizing right now, so I decide to head over to the water fountain. To my dismay, there are twenty other people who had the exact same idea. Don’t be one of those guys who have to wait in line at the water fountain for a refreshing drink. A water bottle is another important asset that should go onto your gym checklist. Many good water bottles today are reusable and can keep beverages cool for long periods of time. 

Energy bars

This is something that I add to my list for fun, but it also serves an important purpose. Many of us lead busy lives and don’t have time to eat something before a workout. An energy bar can also help to recharge the muscles after an intense workout session, especially if it is high in protein. Keep an energy bar in your gym bag, there will be occasions when it can be a real comfort to have. 

So how do we use this checklist to organize our gym bag?

Let’s take a look at what we have on our checklist so far:● Gym membership card● Fresh workout clothes and shoes● A clean gym towel● Water bottle● Energy bar

Of course, this is just a suggested outline of what your checklist could look like and you may decide to add more items later on as you need them. There are many tools available for creating your inventory checklist. Some people like to use an app on their phone, while others prefer to use a notepad to write things down. I found that a piece of paper that I can fold up and conveniently store away into my gym bag after use works best for me.

Once you have created your checklist, the next step is to form a habit of using it after packing your gym bag. Going through the list may seem like a lot of extra effort at first, but once you get into the swing of things you will see how beneficial it can be. Being prepared and organized will save you from a lot of stress, heartache, and embarrassing situations.

It only takes a few seconds to go through the list and make sure that you haven’t forgotten anything. What’s more, if you store your checklist in one of the pockets of your gym bag, you will always know where to find it and won’t have to go hunting for it later on.

You should use your checklist before leaving the house. Aside from this, the last thing you want is to forget an item at the gym. When you’ve had your workout and you’re getting ready to leave the gym, go through your list again and make sure you remember to gather all of your items back into your bag again.

Related questions

How long should my inventory checklist be?

Well, that depends on the size of your gym bag. Try to pack only the necessary and essential items. Packing too many items that aren’t related to your workout and which don’t belong in your gym bag, will create clutter and cause your bag to become unorganized. 

Remember, the list is only there as an aid to help you organize your bag. This will also help ensure that you don’t forget any important items like your gym membership card, or towel. Once your bag has been packed you should diligently read through the checklist and make sure everything is in place.

What happens if I lose my checklist?

It happens, you weren’t paying attention and forgot to place your checklist back into your bag after packing it. Now it could be anywhere and your chances of finding it are minimal. No worries though, these things happen. That is why keeping a spare list handy is a good idea. 

I keep my spare checklist in a place where I know I will always find it. It’s always good to be prepared in case you end up losing your checklist. If you do end up losing both lists, don’t worry either. It’s very easy to make a new one.

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