Instant Coffee – Perhaps an Instant Weight Loss Fix

Instant Coffee – Perhaps an Instant Weight Loss Fix

I have been trying to find good ways to lose weight and stay in shape and became curious after a friend suggested that I should look at the weight loss benefits of instant coffee. I had never considered that instant coffee could encourage weight loss before and was intrigued by the idea. So after digging deep and doing some research of my own on the weight loss benefits of instant coffee, I made some amazing discoveries!

Does instant coffee help you lose weight? By motivating thermogenesis, a morning cup of instant coffee can boost your metabolism and help your body to reduce calories and fat. Chlorogenic acid is also a substance found within coffee that inhibits the soaking up of carbohydrates and aids in the deterioration of fat.

When drinking a balanced amount of coffee every day, you may experience several health benefits. Coffee can help decrease your appetite and also helps reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity. However, if you drink too much coffee your body could develop an immunity to the weight loss benefits of instant coffee.

Weight Loss Benefits of Instant Coffee

There are many benefits to having a healthy body, and for this reason many people today want to lose weight and stay in shape. When you lose weight there is less stress on vital organs like your heart and nervous system. You will also have more energy, have more confidence and feel better about yourself. To understand how instant coffee can help you to lose weight you have to know how fat is stored inside your body.

Cells are the building blocks which all living things are made from, and your body is built from trillions of cells. All of the cells in your body need to burn a sugar called glucose for fuel so that they can function correctly. When there is too much glucose and too little exercise the excess is stored in the form of fat for your body to use as energy at a later time.

Not all of the fat in your body is unhealthy or bad for you. In your body, there are two kinds of fat, brown adipose, which is also known as brown fat and white adipose also known as white fat. White fat is the most common kind of fat that is usually found in your body. The white fat under your skin is known as subcutaneous fat, and the fat that coats your internal organs is known as visceral fat.

White fat secretes hormones and signals that regulate your immune system, however, too much white fat can lead to many different kinds of diseases and illnesses. Brown fat has more mitochondria than white fat and comes from your muscle tissue. Brown fat can help to reduce white fat through energy consumption in your body.

This means that more brown fat equals less white fat and a healthier body. Research suggests that the consumption of coffee increases the amount of brown fat in your body. Trusted Source 1. When you are feeling cold, your body activates brown fat to burn energy so that you can stay warm. By consuming coffee, you enable the same processes within your body that motivates brown fat.

When is the best time to drink coffee for weight loss?

Getting anything done before I had my morning coffee used to be an impossible task for me. I would feel like a zombie, everything was a blur and was irritated if I didn’t get my morning caffeine boost. Nothing felt more satisfying than getting that gratifying energy buzz from a warm cup of instant coffee served fresh out of my favorite mug. But is it healthy to drink coffee so early in the morning?

Many people think that the best time to drink their coffee is early in the morning. However, this may actually not be true as caffeine may interfere with your cortisol cycle, which peaks soon in the day. With time your body starts to depend more on the caffeine fix instead of allowing the cortisol do its natural work. This is why some people get addicted to caffeine.

Instead, the best time to drink your coffee is in the evening directly after dinner. This is because coffee contains chlorogenic acid which inhibits glucose from being manufactured in your body. Aside from this, chlorogenic acid also reduces the construction of new fat cells, which helps you to lose weight.

Another thing to keep in mind is that even though instant coffee can help you lose weight, this doesn’t mean that you should drink as many cups of coffee as possible. In fact, drinking too much coffee can actually be detrimental to your health and create an immunity within your body to the weight loss effects. Nutritionists suggest that you moderate your caffeine intake and that it may be healthier to consume about two cups a day.

What are some of the other health benefits of drinking instant coffee?

Too much caffeine can have disastrous consequences for your health. However, if you moderate how much you drink and enjoy this beverage responsibly, your quality of life can actually improve. There are plenty of health benefits associated with drinking a regular cup of instant coffee.

Antioxidants help your body to detox and get rid of toxins and harmful chemicals so that you can be healthier and stronger. Not only does instant coffee lift your mood, but it is full of antioxidants. It seems like a daily caffeine fix is the perfect solution for cleansing your system.

If you are someone who suffers from depression, you may really benefit from drinking a regular cup of coffee every day. Observations have been made in medical studies that tie frequent coffee consumption to a lessened risk of depression and suicide Trusted Source 2. A nice warm cup of coffee may be exactly what the doctor ordered, and will really improve your mood.

For people who binge eat due to anxiety, coffee can also aid in the reduction of stress levels, which can help you lose weight.  Your metabolic rate also gets optimized from 3-11% due to coffee consumption. The benefit of having an increased metabolism means that you can consume more food without gaining weight.

By drinking a wholesome cup of instant coffee every day, your risk suffering from Parkinson’s disease may be reduced. One study suggests that the risk of  Parkinson’s disease can be reduced by up to 31% due to frequent caffeine consumption Trusted Source 3. Another study showed that coffee reduced the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 58% for men and women.

Related Questions

Is coffee bad for my liver?

Some people may be concerned about the effects that coffee may have on their liver. The good news is that coffee can actually help to protect your liver. In fact, coffee may be exactly what your liver needs if you have a tendency to drink too much. Studies have shown that coffee helps defend the liver against alcoholic cirrhosis Trusted Source4. However, this should not be used as an excuse to go and binge drink.

Does coffee increase my risk of cancer?

Aside from the fantastic benefit of weight loss, coffee can also decrease your risk of getting cancer. Truth be told, coffee can actually help prevent many different forms of cancer in your body and also help to protect your vital organs. One medical study found that coffee can actually lower your risk of getting pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia Trusted Source5.

 Is coffee good for my heart?

Yes, coffee is perfect for your heart and can help you to live a longer life. Coffee improves your cardiovascular system and reduces your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. By aiding your heart health, coffee dramatically increases your longevity and life expectancy. Studies suggest that coffee can lower your risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease, or heart failure Trusted Source 6.

Does coffee destroy my teeth?

Coffee is actually good for your teeth in the sense that it can defend against cavities. Streptococcus Mutans, also known as S. mutans is a bacteria that lives in your mouth and causes cavities. The fantastic thing is that instant coffee destroys populations of S. Mutants that are trying to colonize the surface area of your teeth. So, now that you know coffee is good for your teeth, smile widely and enjoy your daily caffeine fix.

Can coffee help me to be more physically fit?

By giving you a caffeine boost, instant coffee can help increase your physical performance when it comes to taking part in sports. This energy boost happens because coffee signals for your brain to release adrenaline into your bloodstream. Many studies have also proven that caffeine can optimize your physical performance Trusted Source7.

Aside from boosting your performance as an athlete, coffee can also reduce pre-workout muscle pain. If you are lifting weights at the gym you can greatly benefit from having a cup of coffee before your workout. Aside from being the perfect thing to energize you, coffee can also help to relieve pain and stiffness after an intense workout.

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