Fat Burning Strategies with Matcha

Fat Burning Strategies with Matcha

With each passing day, new products are unveiled to the market, each purporting to be beneficial in weight loss. Matcha is the recent craze in town. In the past few weeks, I’ve heard how it is helpful when incorporated in a weight loss program. It is for this reason that I set out to research this new magical concoction. Interestingly, there is a lot of information about matcha, which most people don’t know, as I have compiled the findings from my 30-day research as presented in this article.

Can matcha help with weight loss? Match is instrumental in weight loss. A cup of matcha has ten times more antioxidants (such as theanine and caffeine) than green tea. It is these antioxidants that make green tea an effective weight loss beverage. That means that matcha is ten times much better for weight loss.

Additionally, since it is in powder form, it can be used as part of ingredients in making a variety of dishes; so, you don’t have to take in the way of tea, as you would be forced to do with the case of black and green tea. If you have never tasted a matcha latte or smoothie, then you are already five paces behind in today’s discussion. I won’t even go further by mentioning matcha popcorns- and yes it exists! I’m not making it up.  

Today’s Health Tips with Matcha

First, if you have never tasted matcha popcorn, stop reading at this point. Go to your nearest health and wellness center, grab a packet, and read on to find out how it is made. Trust me, and it is impressive; plus, you will have kick-started your weight loss program while still reading this article.

For some people dieting alone does the trick when it comes to weight loss; if you fall in this category, you will be good to go by incorporating matcha in your diet and observing a healthy meal plan. However, for most of us, food is half the battle. Prepare yourself to enroll in the nearest gym or aerobics class to get the most out of this powder.

Everyone’s body responds differently to diet plan and exercise. That means that our magical concoction is not an exception- it is not a one-size-fit-all to all your weight loss problems. However, you can tailor it to meet your needs, and in the long run, you will get the best results.

Reminder: Being positive throughout your weight loss journey is rewarding, and can lead to better long-term results.

Fun fact: Did you know that matcha has 15 times more antioxidants than blueberry and up to 125 times more than spinach?

The Conventional Wisdom: Tea for Weight Loss

Everyone is aware of the health benefits that come with taking tea, be it green and black. If up to now you are not aware of these benefits, then you need to read more. Green tea is considered the ultimate solution to weight loss in the fitness industry; it has been so for a few years. That is why the first thing that comes to mind when you see a person taking green tea at the restaurant is weight management.

For those who have experienced the benefits of green tea, have probably settled on it as their weight loss formula. While it may be a good thing, it has perhaps hindered a few from experiencing the goodness that comes with matcha.

If you swear by green tea, and green tea alone, did you know that matcha is processed from the same plant as green tea, Camellia sinensis? And that it is ten times more potent than the green tea?

What this means is that, by taking a single cup of matcha, you are getting the same nutrition benefits as Tom or Jane, who takes ten cups of green tea. It is that powerful-tried, tested, and approved. And if matcha is so powerful when compared with green tea, imagine how useless it makes black tea appear (Sorry to say). 

Nutritional Profile of Matcha

2 grams of matcha contains:

8 calories (cal)

1-gram protein (2.5% daily value, DV)

1-gram carbohydrate (0.33% DV)

1-gram dietary fiber (4% DV)

0.3 milligram of iron (2% DV)

1.2-milligram vitamin C (2% DV)

200 international units (IU) of Vitamin A (4% Daily Value)

Ways in Which Matcha Aids in Weight Loss

It Is A Low Caloric Drink

From the nutrition profile, a gram of matcha has only 4 calories, and a standard cup of matcha tea has 2 grams of the powder, which means that you will have taken a beverage with only 8 calories. While it may seem abstract, comparing it with 500ml of cola, puts everything into perspective because the caloric difference between these two drinks is 200 calories.

Since weight loss occurs due to caloric deficiency, substituting matcha with your regular high-calorie drink is a big step towards achieving your weight loss goals.

Boosts Metabolism

One arsenal you can take advantage of in your weight loss journey is your metabolic rate. Often, you will see your friend or colleague feasting on junk food all year round without gaining even a single pound, yet your cheeks become chubby from one cheat meal. The difference lies in the varying metabolic rates.

Matcha is rich in caffeine and catechins, which are active ingredients that are proven to boost metabolic rate. A cup of matcha has 68 mg of caffeine, while the celebrated green tea has only 31.8 mg. Don’t be discouraged if you are a green tea fan; its caffeine level is still on the higher side.

Studies show that daily caffeine intake of 50mg is sufficient to increase Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) by up to 6%. That is the percentage increase in the number of calories you will burn at rest. Try picturing how much more you can consume when you incorporate cardio or weightlifting sessions. Apart from that, the elevated metabolic rate increases the rate of lipolysis, which is the process by which fat converts to glucose in the body.

Rich in Anti-Oxidants

Matcha powder comes from Camellia Sinensis- the same plant used in making green tea. Therefore, it has several potent anti-oxidants with Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCD) being the most significant. Findings from a study conducted at the University of Colorado showed that a cup of matcha has 137 times more EGCD than Chinese green tea. Patients with obesity and diabetics take antioxidant supplements, and studies have proved that it is indeed beneficial.

A diet rich in antioxidants reduces the free radicals in the body, and the process increases the body’s metabolism. Apart from that, researchers argue that consuming antioxidants lower fat mass over time.

Burns Fats

The catechins contained in matcha powder are sufficient to increase the body’s thermogenesis process by 8% and up to 43% in some cases. Through this process, the body converts fat molecules to triglycerides, which are then oxidized to produce energy.

Additionally, taking this tea before physical activity increases endurance. The high caffeine content boosts energy output. When combined with the fat-burning properties, it means that you can exercise with higher intensity and for a longer duration, which increases the rate of weight loss.

Balancing of Blood Glucose

Regulation of glucose level is probably one of the most intriguing ways in which matcha contributes to weight loss. According to a study conducted by the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, the presence of polysaccharides and polyphenols lowers blood sugar levels. Findings from the research proved that these two components can regulate glucose level and insulin spike when a person consumes 50 grams of starch.

Apart from that, EGCC, a catechin found in matcha, influences the body’s feedback mechanism, which results in the absorption of glucose. The presence of the compound in the blood mimics insulin molecules, which prevents excess glucose from converting to fat. What that means is, if you take sufficient amounts of matcha, you effectively reduce the risk of getting fat from fast food and snacks with high sugar content such as ice cream and milkshakes.

However, it is not an announcement to be reckless with your diet, especially if you are taking the magical weight loss portion.

Lowers Stress

Did you know that by continuously being stressed out increases the risk of growing fat? I wonder why most people think the fact is absurd; reason being, they do not read. Read more, be better!

Anyway, stress triggers the release of a catabolic hormone known as cortisol. The hormone does two things to the body. First, it burns muscle tissues. The lower the muscle tissues you have, the higher the risk of becoming fat. That is why I always recommend weight lifting, even for women, as opposed to spending countless hours on the treadmill.

Apart from that, cortisol is an inflammatory hormone, which causes fluid retention in the body. In the long run, fluid retention contributes to weight gain.

However, as mentioned earlier, the antioxidants in matcha actively reduce free radicals in the blood, including cortisol hormone. Therefore, by taking the powder in any form, you lower the risk of getting inflammation and gaining weight from fat deposition.

Fat Burning Strategies with Matcha

Now that you know all the benefits and potential of the green powder, it is the right time to get down to the real deal- the best strategies for weight loss. The best thing about matcha powder is that you can use it as an ingredient in making a variety of delicacies and drinks. That is good news, especially to those who get bored after their third cup of tea.

However, first things first. How do you prepare matcha tea?

It is imperative that you have a high quality organic natural matcha to make good tea. To an empty teacup, add 1.5 teaspoons of matcha powder, and follow it with 2 ounces of hot boiling water. Whisk the tea until it becomes frothy. As the froth settles, it leaves a bright green beverage. Enjoy!

Matcha Latte

Matcha latte is just as good as it sounds. You can make yours by scooping 2-3 tablespoons of matcha powder into a mug. Add hot water, just below boiling, quarter way in the cup. Stir gently till the clumps disappear. Top the mug with your favorite steamed milk. You can use regular milk or mix things up by using almond or coconut milk. And that is how you make a matcha latte in one minute. You can choose to sweeten it. A few drops of vanilla or two teaspoons of honey does the trick for me.

Matcha Smoothie

Matcha smoothie is probably the easiest matcha-meal to make. You can add a tablespoon of matcha to your regular breakfast smoothie. It turns an everyday smoothie into a complex, aromatic, and savory smoothie. Furthermore, it leaves a particularly sweet aftertaste that makes you positively unstoppable.

Breakfast Cereal with Matcha

Why not infuse your favorite cereal, be it Weetabix or cornflakes, with a tablespoon of matcha? You can also sprinkle a teaspoon to your oatmeal, before topping it with Greek yogurt.

Matcha Chia Seed Pudding

When it comes to breakfast recipes, Chia seed pudding is a treat that is hard to beat. With chia seeds and matcha powder, you can have the healthiest breakfast with a wide array of nutrients. Stir chia seeds with either almond or cashew milk (It’s delicious by the way), and add any sweetener of your choice. Top it off with berries for an out-of-this-world experience.

Seasoning Food with Matcha

The next time you are out of ideas for seasoning your food, add a dash of matcha. Those who have tried it know the complex flavors and the delight it gives with every bite. The problem is that it is rather difficult to describe the taste akin. I can only compare it to the first time taking dark chocolate or fine red wine- while you may not be able to describe the feeling adequately, you are fully aware that the taste, whatever it is, is addictive.

Matcha Baked Goods

Before I proceed, it is essential to clarify something; I’m not talking about the “baked goods” your “guy” delivers every Friday evening; although it wouldn’t hurt if it had some matcha.

Anyway, back to baked goods, you can incorporate matcha in your baking recipes, be it pancakes, scones, muffins, cookies, etc. However, one thing to note is that baked goods made with matcha will have a green color. That should not deter you from using this nutritious ingredient. It is a bonus especially if you have been trying to bake a lemon cake; at least you’ll have gotten one thing right- the characteristic green color of the cake.

Matcha Popcorn.

Matcha popcorn is good, and by that, I mean, supreme. By sprinkling the powder to your popcorn, you convert a pale-colored popcorn to a funky looking snack.

Matcha Face Mask

If it comes to the point when you can take no more of matcha, remember that the powder can also be used to make one of the most effective natural skin masks by applying directly to the skin. Get your skin glowing as you wait for your next tea time.

There you go. Now you have nine different ways of consuming the matcha powder. No excuse should be heard that taking several cups of tea in a day is annoying.

One more thing, though it may be too wild, having tried all the recipes and ideas, I am thinking of stuffing matcha powder in my pipe. I will keep you posted on how it goes, though I am secretly hoping I will pass out from inhaling polysaccharides and polyphenols contained in the powder.

Is There A Limit to Consuming Matcha?

Now that you have a long list to experiment with matcha, the big question remains: Is there any limit when consuming matcha?

Dietitians recommend taking 3-5 cups of matcha daily. That is because a cup of matcha contains up to 70g of caffeine, yet daily caffeine intake up to 400 mg is safe for most adults. Based on this recommendation, you can safely consume up to 5 level tablespoons of matcha in a day.

Other Health Benefits of Matcha

  1. Caffeine and L-theanine provide an extended duration of energy boost without crashes or jitters synonymous with energy drinks or coffee.
  2. Matcha for oral health; the antibacterial properties of matcha powder keeps bacteria that cause bad odor in the mouth at bay.
  3. Caffeine content helps in boosting brain function and maintaining focus.
  4. It fortifies the immune system by inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
  5. The powder has a different amino acid, L-theanine, which has a calming effect by reducing mental and physical stress.
  6. It may improve your heart health since it lowers the low-density cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood.
  7. Polyphenols contained in the powder are one of the few natural anti-inflammatory remedies. Therefore, it can be beneficial to arthritis patients.

Related Questions

Apart from the antioxidants, what nutrients can one get from matcha?

Matcha is rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, F, P. Minerals include manganese, zinc, and chromium.

Between Matcha and green tea, which one is better for weight loss?

 Matcha is better than green tea. That is because a cup of matcha has benefits equivalent to those offered by 10 cups of green tea.

On another note, matcha powder is consumable in a variety of ways, unlike green tea, which has to be only that- tea.

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