Black Tea to Burn Fat

Black Tea to Burn Fat

Isn’t it exciting that the International Tea Day is fast approaching? I am secretly hoping this year we will be going all black; I mean black tea, not some absurd dress code in the name of tea. Part of the preparation involves knowing all there is about tea. My particular interest is burning fat by drinking black tea.

Can you lose weight by drinking black tea? Black tea can provide a way for weight loss. It is the tea variant known to have among the highest amounts of oxidants and flavonoids. These two active ingredients decrease the gut bacteria associated with obesity while increasing bacteria, which stimulate the formation of lean body mass. It also has four other unique mechanisms through which it can lower body fat. Read on to find out.

We are all in a race- a race to lose weight. If you are not, maybe you form part of the minority striving to gain an extra pound or two. Or perhaps, you form part of the clueless population- one hour you are contented with your weight, the next you are pacing because of your weight. For those of us who are in the real race (losing weight), you should be aware by now that there are hormonal supplements and other chemicals, which promise to burn fat around the clock. However, if the end doesn’t justify the means for you, then you are in for a real treat with benefits the black tea offers.

However, a word for those who have never done any real research on black tea, or any other drink for that matter:

  • To those who swear by green tea, did you know that black tea is processed from the same plant (Cameilla Sinesis).
  • Black tea is prebiotic, i.e. it induces the production of the microbiome (bacteria) which contribute to weight loss and overall good health.
  • Only black tea drinkers have pseudobutryiobrio, a specific bacterium that directly increases metabolism levels.

Fair warning: Don’t be disillusioned. No amount of black tea, oolong, white, green, yellow, or even purple tea can promote weight loss with a crappy diet.

Black Tea 101

Black tea is one of the 26 drinks available in the market today. It is processed form the same plant as the infamous green tea. That is why I always cringe when people ask me whether black tea is good for weight loss. But at times, you have to forgive them for their ignorance.

The main difference between these two teas is the processing technique. Green tea is air-blown and allowed to dry before being steamed. On the other hand, black tea undergoes full fermentation and induced oxidation before firing.

The Truth Behind Black Tea and Weight Loss

To drive this point home, I am going to take you 5000 years back. During those times, the drink that we know today was a concoction for hypothermic patients. Don’t ask how I know some of these things. Anyway, have you ever had an elderly person request you to prepare tea since he/she was cold? Well, today you’ve got your answer.

I know you are now wondering how all these are related to black tea and weight loss. The fact is black tea has more medicinal benefits than what some practitioners would care to admit, including weight loss. The big question remains, “How?”

Flavonoids in Black Tea Promote Weight Loss

Flavonoids are plant-based antioxidants that are associated with several health benefits. Cameilla Sinesis, the plant used in making black tea is high in these antioxidants. Additionally, since the processing of black tea occurs after oxidation, the concentration of these flavonoids, more so catechins increases, as new modified flavonoids such as thearubigins and theaflavins are generated. These anti-oxidants are beneficial in the management of gastric obesity, and they form the main ingredients to expensive supplements in tablet form. Why not enjoy similar benefits at home with a cup of black tea?

Additionally, flavonoids inhibit fat digestion. Studies conducted on laboratory animals show that consumption of black tea inhibits the action of lipase enzyme. Lipase initiates the fat digestion in the body. That means that the fats you consume will pass through the digestive system unaffected if you are consistent with a “black tea therapy.” In the study, lab mice that consumed high fat-diet, together with regular doses of black tea polyphenols, were leaner than those whose diet remained as usual.

 Black Tea Boosts Metabolism

A regular cup of black tea has around 80 milligrams of caffeine. Findings from different studies show that taking 50 milligrams of caffeine is sufficient to increase the basal metabolic rate while at rest. However, no research has established the exact amount of caffeine a person requires to lose weight. Though, there is evidence that it can increase BMR by up to 6%. With an increase in BMR, the rate of lipolysis increases. Consequently, the amount of fat stored in the body decreases.

Additionally, caffeine is known to help people who are on a weight loss journey by preventing them from regaining the weight already lost. In a survey conducted in the United States, out of 2000 participants, over 500 reported that they were able to maintain their weight loss progress using caffeine.  

Low Caloric Content

Black tea is an excellent substitute for the high-calorie beverages, more so if you are watching your diet. A cup of black tea has 1-2 calories, so zero. Add to it 23 calories if you use honey as a sweetener. Comparing that with a 330 ml can of cola, there is a difference of over 110 calories. However, conducting such a direct comparison between soft drink and black tea is doing a disservice to tea lovers. That is because, cola essentially has empty calories, while black tea has several health benefits (Read more of this in the next section)

Dietitians recommend taking a glass of water or two before a meal, as it gives you a sense of fullness, some even argue that warm water is better. Scientifically, while you are taking the liquid, impulses are sent to the brain, which signal fullness that comes from eating solid food. Did you know black tea can be a brilliant substitute for the same? A Bonus, since black tea is served hot; double bonus, since you will get vital minerals and vitamins from the beverage.

Take advantage of the fullness this trick gives in cutting down your daily caloric consumption. And the next time guests visit you, and you don’t have sufficient food, you now know what to do. Serve them as much tea as possible before finally laying the table. Coming to think of it, maybe if I had such supreme ideas in my younger days, I could have passed my economics class.

9 Health Benefits of Black Tea

  1. It has anti-oxidant properties, which increase immunity.
  2. The flavonoids boost heart health by reducing the risk of getting heart-related diseases,
  3. It lowers low-density cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood.
  4. Improves gut health by creating an ambient environment for healthy microbes to thrive.
  5. Combining black tea with other stress management strategies is known to promote good health in high blood pressure patients.
  6. It may help reduce the risk of getting a stroke, to those who are genetically predisposed to the condition.
  7. May lower blood sugar levels, more so when used as a low-calorie drink substitute.
  8. Polyphenols present in black tea can play a role in managing the growth of cancer cells and any other malignant growths.
  9. Black tea contains caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid, both of which are known to improve mental alertness and focus.

How Much Is Too Much?

Generally, black tea is safe when taken up to five cups a day for a healthy adult.

Taking too much black tea may have side effects due to its caffeine content. These side effects may vary from one person to the next depending on how their bodies respond to caffeine and may include irregular heartbeat, changes in sleep patterns, irritability, tremors, convulsions, dizziness, and heartburn.

Drinking insanely high amounts of black tea can have severe health effects and, in some cases, may result in death. That is because studies confirm that high caffeine levels (over 10milligrams) can be fatal to human beings.

Final Thought

I, on behalf of the United States Tea association, the consumers’ department, I now declare this day a National tea day in the United States. Grab a black tea today!

For black tea lovers, now you have all the reasons to keep taking the beverage.

Related Questions

Is there a specific way of cooking black tea to ensure I get all the health benefits?

The standard home cooking procedure is good enough for getting the health benefits associated with black tea.

However, by brewing the tea, you optimize the benefits. What that means is that you should not be in a hurry to cook black tea. Allow the black tea to boil for 10-15 minutes under low or medium heat settings. An advantage that comes with this brewing overusing tea bags is that, in the former, you get to enjoy the full range of flavors black tea has to offer.

Which tea variety is preferable between black and green tea?

For general consumption, black tea is better since it offers a wide range of flavors. However, in terms of weight loss, more people would opt to take green tea.

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